KFJ Registration Form [SHORT VERSION]

Kids for Jesus (KFJ) Sunday School Registration Form [SHORT VERSION]

Holy Trinity Anglican Church Wentworth Falls

A Parent or Guardian needs to complete this form. Thank you for filling out this form.

Health information and some family details can be sensitive and will be kept confidential.

Please talk to your child’s class teacher if any questions.

Please complete one form for each child being registered.

Details of Child

Is your child on a special diet, on any medication (not already noted), have a serious illness or disability, have a known behavioural problem or restricted from any activity? (Please note details and include a treatment/care plan if necessary)

Details of Parent/Guardian

Authorities & Responsibilities

Please Read the Following

Indicating yes on the drop down menu below indicates:
  • Whilst all reasonable care will be taken, I accept full responsibility for the welfare of my child.
  • In an emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact myself or the emergency contact person.
  • I give permission for my child to receive appropriate medical aid if the need arises, and paramedic assistance in the case of an emergency.
Selecting Yes below certifies acceptance of all these conditions:

The leadership team of Kids for Jesus will treat all the information contained confidentially. This information may be shared with a third party when it concerns medical health or care of the individuals listed. Please don’t hesitate to contact Zac with any queries in relation to this information.